Invest in Rest – Part 1

by Rici van Schalkwyk | December 10, 2024

There is virtue in work and there is virtue in rest. Use both and overlook neither. – Alan Cohen

Reflecting on 2024, I am so grateful for a successful year full of blessings and opportunities. But I also realise that I am exhausted and really need a break.  How do I end up here every year? Is the drive for success in life, career and business worth it? The pace, pressure and noise of life just keeps increasing, but maybe we need to look at our definition of success.

The Cambridge Dictionary1 defines success as follows:

  1. The achieving of the results wanted or hoped for.
  2. Something that achieves positive results.

This definition does not explain our frantic pace. So maybe we need to look at other thoughts that are common in leadership and work ethic talks:

  1. Hard work and determination equals success. Nothing comes easy. – Kevin Hart
  2. Great things come from hard work and perseverance. No excuses. – Kobe Bryant
  3. Success in business requires training and discipline and hard work. – David Rockefeller

While I agree with and love all of these, to just focus on hard work limits the success that can be achieved.

Input, tools and output

If we think about our success as a process then this process requires input, tools and output. In life and business, the input is us (time and energy), the tool is our mind (skillset, knowledge and experience) and the output we hope for is success.

So how do we increase and secure the output of success? Well, if we think about a production line then we need to ensure quality input to start with. Furthermore, the tools and machinery need to be maintained. This requires downtime for those tools, but the result is better efficiency, productivity and longevity.

If I am the key to success in my life, then I need to take downtime and rest. You and your employees are the biggest differentiating asset of your business. What is your maintenance plan for this asset? Why is it necessary?

Ernest Hemingway – I still need more healthy rest in order to work at my best. My health is the main capital I have and I want to invest it intelligently.

Benefits of rest

Hard work has often been equated with long hours every day. If I work longer than everyone than I have worked harder and therefore deserve success more. In the last few years this view has been changing slowly to I have to work smarter. But now we are stuck in a work harder and work smarter limbo.

This is not sustainable together with the increase in pace that technology and connectivity bring. Science has proven that our bodies need rest to perform optimally. So, what are some of the benefits of rest:

  1. Increase in physical health. The increase in health brings a sustained energy and a reduction in chronic illnesses. For businesses this brings higher energy to achieve goals and decrease in sick days.
  2. Increase in mental health. Rest reduces stress and chronic stress often leads to mental and physical health issues. Business reaps the benefit of a more energetic and positive work force.
  3. Improves productivity. The body needs rest to recharge, repair and rejuvenate. Quality sleep improves cognitive function, problem-solving and increased energy.
  4. Boosts creativity and innovation. Rest provides the mental space essential for creativity and innovation. Time for reflection and dreaming, allows the mind to recognise patterns and open doors to new ideas.
  5. Enhances decision-making. Rest increases our concentration and refills our emotional capacity. This allows us to get perspective and make better decisions.


The benefits of rest are undeniable, so why are we still in a culture of exhaustion and busyness?

While striving for success, it is easy to belief that more work equals more progress. However, the quality of that work will decline without proper rest. Thought it might bring short term success; it is not sustainable. The price might be your health.

In Part 2, we will examine how to implement healthy rest techniques and practices that is sustainable personally and for businesses.

People mistakenly believe that if you do nothing but train you can only get better. You’ve got to work hard, but the harder you work the harder you must rest and relax.  – Justin Gatlin


At wauperform we believe in building performance management from the business to the workforce, to have sustainable growth. We will gladly assist you with the process. Contact Rici van Schalkwyk on 021 819 7817 or at to learn more.


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